A year in the life of Camino de Santiago: Sinners guide travel Writer Eddie Rock:
Well what can I say its certainly been a year of ups downs and a great big kick in the balls to boot! I think my greatest achivement was managing to sell two books to devout Catholic nuns from the west coast of Ireland. But the big kick in the cream crackers came after many years of getting rejection letters from all the publishers agents ect, ect : Well if thats not gonna work I thought? what better place to sell the book that on the Camino de Santiago itself...simple...easy...piece of pish...Just set up a stall on a nice grassy knoll where the thousands of pilgrims pass by and get selling. I even got two great big posters made up grew a great big woolly beard and an authentic pilgrim outfit... I was ready...
On the first day we were almost murdered by a psycopath and arrested by the Guarda civil whom we thing were looking for the afor mentioned nutter! this all happend at the famous Cruz De Ferro: It might be the highest point of the Camino but it was one of the lowest points of my year and thats a Fact!
Hello out there, fellow sinners , Welcome to the life of Eddie Rock with my new writings since my book The Camino Santiago: A Sinners Guide.
About Me

- Eddie Rock
- Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
- Welcome to my exciting new Eddie Rock Camino de Santiago blog. If you like what you read here, why not buy my book at http://www.caminosantiago.co.uk.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Travel Writer Eddie Rock on Fame and Fortune since the Camino Santiago
Can anyone remember the episode of 'Alan Partridge' where he was being filmed at the recycling depot watching all his books dissappearing into a large pulping machine, whilst remaining overtly positive about the whole matter? No/Yes? Well thankfully that nightmare for me has finally passed since my afternoon out at Radio Gallega...,my subsequent phone calls from Hollywood directors and my invitation to turn on the Xmas lights this year in Santiago De Compostela . Things are finally looking up at last...
Friday, 23 November 2012
Eddie Rock. The story behind the book
The story behind The Camino De Santiago A Sinners Guide:
By Travel Writer Eddie Rock
· 1994-Australia- Two days after getting engaged to my girlfriend, I find myself in the custody of Her Majesty’s immigration department. It was at this point in my life I felt it necessary to put pen to paper.
After my subsequent deportation from Australia the quest for writing a book took me on a journey through life with plenty of adventures and misadventures around the world in interesting places such as Amsterdam, Canada, Ireland,Israel,Egypt and last but not least Scunthorpe, with a cast of interesting characters and heavy metal soundtrack to boot.
But by 2003 all I had was a couple on notebooks full of my scribbling still with all the intentions of writing my Australian Comedy...
‘Backpacking for the Craic’
Unfortunately/Fortunately a brush with the law and a chance encounter with a gorgeous hippy chick had me heading for Amsterdam, then onwards to Spain to sort myself out once and for all, by walking the Camino Santiago.
‘Solve it by walking?’ was the answer for me! Or so I though?
On completion of the Camino I returned to Scunthorpe with my tail between my legs and faced the music and the laws of the land.
In 2004 I spent three weeks in a writers retreat on the west coast of Ireland where I began to write ‘The Sinners Guide’ with ridiculously high hopes of completing the book in record time. Three weeks later I returned to Scunthorpe with only re written notes and a messy three chapter synopsis to send to publishers and agents in the hope of fame and fortune?
I sent 20 envelopes to varying organisations and in the next few weeks I received 19 letters of Thanks but, No Thanks! And a letter from one famous British publisher, telling me that they are already publishing a book by London travel writer ‘Tim Moore’ and his book ‘Spanish Steps’ about his travels on the Camino with a stubborn donkey.
Well what can I say? After purchasing myself a first edition hard back copy of this book, I realised I could do a much better job of writing a humorous travel story and set to work again on perfecting the ‘Sinners guide’ But unlike Tim, I did not have the backing of a major publishing house behind me and a healthy bank account to keep one’s self afloat whilst writing. I needed to work to earn money and struggled for years working as a joiner both employed and self employed, both of which took up a major amount of time and effort, and subsequently my writing fell by the wayside and began gathering dust on my book shelf. Every time I was having a hard time with work and more often than not finances, I would dig out my notes, chuckle to myself and dream of becoming a writer.
In August 2009 my bank stupidly asked me if I needed a loan that I could ill afford to pay back and I set to work yet again with the hopes of finishing the book and getting into print. It was a case of now or never for me, luckily a friend of mine kindly allowed me to use his countryside cottage while they were away on holiday for three weeks. What he forgot to mention to me was that I would be sharing the house with a very noisy and mischievous ghost that kept me awake with my hair stood on end on many occasion. I managed to keep going with the book until the October of the year until yet again money ran out yet again. The frustrating point in all of this was while I was writing my telephone was ringing all the time with offers of employment with good money and they when I needed to work there was none! Sod’s law I believe it’s called.
December 2009: Luckily just before complete and utter financial disaster left me homeless, bookless, and in a state of total despair, I managed to get a small contract fitting a state of the art gloss black kitchen for an up and coming adult movie star, managing to make myself a little bit of money on which to finish my book and a few interesting DVD’S to watch before bedtime!
Xmas: I basically stayed locked in my house from the 24th till the 10th until I ran out of money again. It was yet again now or never yet again, so I went to print (mistakes and all) and got my first copy printed off.
April: Unfortunately the American publisher almost got me to sign a contract saying they could keep 70% of my sales. Luckily I read the small print and colourfully told them what I thought of that idea!
So publisher-less again I decided to go it alone and got my first 250 copies printed in my home town and set to work setting up an internet business and website. www.caminosantiago.co.uk but continued to work as a joiner and struggled to make ends meet with my ever increasing debts. As the economic crisis continued, and in my 40th year of life, I soon realised that the only thing left for me to do was to sell my house and move to Galicia. As they say life begins at 40? Sold house in October 2010 and paid off all my debts.
Feedback from the first edition copies suggested to me that to enter the world of mainstream book publishing, I should first have my book edited professionally. So a public relations company was recommended to me and the happy smiling owner of this company told me it would be no problem to edit my book in 10 days, then refer me to all the publishers she knew, then work on my press releases, ect, ect.
So in January 2011, I handed over my manuscript to the editor and looked forwards to 10 days later when I got back the corrected re vamped edition so I could have more printed and take them to Galicia to sell to the pilgrims. That was the idea anyway?
February: Booked ferry for March the 12th and began to get ready for my adventure in Galicia. Happy smiling editor tells me book is almost finished, just the finishing touches to go... so I organise a printer in the U.K so I can take the books with me and be ready for selling them when I get here.
March: Happy smiling editor tells me she has moved office and this has taken up a bit of her time, but she assures me she will have manuscript ready as soon as possible. March 13th I arrive in Santander with the hope of having the books printed in Spain now.
March 14th arrive in Ferreira de Panton and work as a helpex for an English couple, begin to look at property to buy and restore and eagerly await the return of my manuscript.
April: Still waiting for manuscript: Happy smiling editor assures me yet again she is on final chapter.
May: I ask not so smiling, not so happy editor bluntly ‘Where on earth is my manuscript?’ She has a nervous breakdown and confesses to having done absolutely nothing, apart from lead me astray...To say I was angry was understatement of the year...
Same day: I almost have a nervous breakdown myself as everything I’ve worked for is in jeopardy, I realise I can’t trust anyone to edit this for me. So I begin to do it myself, with great difficulty.
June: A friend in Monforte de Lemos translates the book into Spanish for me...
June: Still editing book slowly, I move into a friend’s T.P but unfortunately I have limited electricity and this slows the book up even more, but on a plus point, my new friend Harriet helps me edit the book. Between us we finish our last edit in August.
August: Even though we have finished edit, the word format is difficult for the printer, so slow negotiations and extra editing is required.
December 20th: Printer phones to say English copies are ready: Happy Xmas
January 10th: Printer phones to say Spanish copies are ready: Happy New Year...
May 2012: I buy a small ruin in the Ribiera Sacra and live there in my own Mongolian yurt,
June 2012: Book release Santiago de Compostela:
The rest is history!
God Loves a tryer: apparently...he’s just got as funny way of showing it.
Hate the sin: Love the sinner!
Monday, 13 August 2012
Monforte Feria de los Libros
Travel writer Eddie Rock and his book 'El Camino De Santiago: Guia para Pecadores'(Spanish Version' will be at The annual Monforte de Lemos book fair this year. so i guess i better brush up on my Spanish!!
Having brushed up on my Spanish and with great difficulty chose a chapter from my book that does not contain too much profanity, I prepared for the Great Monforte Book fair: Exited I was, to actually be permitted to be part of something mainstream at last so the night before i decided to get exceedingly drunk with my amigo 'El Burro' the mule and smoke a lot of herbal remedy...Needless to say the next day despite my 30 sun salutations, a small jog around a large tree and a large glass of Ribena I still was no where near ready to face the masses of Monforte...Luckily it was a nice sunny day and we arrived in the city to find it completely deserted and all the book stalls locked up for the day , or so it would seem. i checked to see if i had come on the wrong day? I hadnt... So my self, my beautiful fiance and my amigo 'El Burro' waited for my Spanish teacher and translator of the book Andrea to turn up as we sank a few well needed bottles of Estrella and I practiced on my chapter with a feeling of impending doom as the hour grew near for my slot at 7.30pm.
So at 7.20 we arrived in the empty street, luckily the stalls had opened.. and.after a bit of confusing euro babble with the organisers I was handed a microphone and told to get ready... At 7.29 I coughed into action with the confidence of a condemned man facing a firing squad of 'El Burro' my fiance, my Spanish teacher, The organiser, the woman incharge of the microphone, a Beadles handful of bemused citizens and a group of 12 infants high on Coca cola and assorted sugary products running wild and unbridled around the empty wooded chairs. My microphone screeched and scrawked as it took some heavy blows and knocks from the screaming banshees. surely at any moment the hidden camera crew and presenter will jump out from behind the stage and the place will erupt into laughter...???...
It didnt happen... At 8.00pm we were heading back home, feeling like I had been violated cursing the day i had put pen to paper! I have recently had therapy to try and erase thay day from my mind forever, but im often triggered into anxiety by the smell of smarties and fanta orange...God doesnt love a tryer it seems...
Having brushed up on my Spanish and with great difficulty chose a chapter from my book that does not contain too much profanity, I prepared for the Great Monforte Book fair: Exited I was, to actually be permitted to be part of something mainstream at last so the night before i decided to get exceedingly drunk with my amigo 'El Burro' the mule and smoke a lot of herbal remedy...Needless to say the next day despite my 30 sun salutations, a small jog around a large tree and a large glass of Ribena I still was no where near ready to face the masses of Monforte...Luckily it was a nice sunny day and we arrived in the city to find it completely deserted and all the book stalls locked up for the day , or so it would seem. i checked to see if i had come on the wrong day? I hadnt... So my self, my beautiful fiance and my amigo 'El Burro' waited for my Spanish teacher and translator of the book Andrea to turn up as we sank a few well needed bottles of Estrella and I practiced on my chapter with a feeling of impending doom as the hour grew near for my slot at 7.30pm.
So at 7.20 we arrived in the empty street, luckily the stalls had opened.. and.after a bit of confusing euro babble with the organisers I was handed a microphone and told to get ready... At 7.29 I coughed into action with the confidence of a condemned man facing a firing squad of 'El Burro' my fiance, my Spanish teacher, The organiser, the woman incharge of the microphone, a Beadles handful of bemused citizens and a group of 12 infants high on Coca cola and assorted sugary products running wild and unbridled around the empty wooded chairs. My microphone screeched and scrawked as it took some heavy blows and knocks from the screaming banshees. surely at any moment the hidden camera crew and presenter will jump out from behind the stage and the place will erupt into laughter...???...
It didnt happen... At 8.00pm we were heading back home, feeling like I had been violated cursing the day i had put pen to paper! I have recently had therapy to try and erase thay day from my mind forever, but im often triggered into anxiety by the smell of smarties and fanta orange...God doesnt love a tryer it seems...
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Eddie Rock
Hi there everybody, Eddie Rock here the Author of The Camino de Santiago: A Sinners Guide, reporting live from Galicia. Book launch party at Albaroque teatro on 31st of July. All welcome, music by Dirty Elvis,
buen Camino
buen Camino
Friday, 16 March 2012
Welcome to my new blog
Hello all,
This is my first post on my exciting new blog all about the Camino de Santiago. Are you bored with the usual travel books about the Camino? Are you after a different take about life on the road? Well the Sinngers Guide is your opportunity to read something better, something more revealing about myself.
Read more here - http://www.caminosantiago.co.uk.
More soon!
This is my first post on my exciting new blog all about the Camino de Santiago. Are you bored with the usual travel books about the Camino? Are you after a different take about life on the road? Well the Sinngers Guide is your opportunity to read something better, something more revealing about myself.
Read more here - http://www.caminosantiago.co.uk.
More soon!
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